%Pengu Swim School%


Why They Are Important For Your Children And Easier For Parents

At Pengu Swim School, we understand that Parents are busy in their own lives. Whether perpetual swim lessons model it is easy for busy parents to balance their schedule with the importance of keeping their children’s swimming skills keen.
For example, traditional swim lessons usually are only offered on predetermined dates during specific seasons. Perpetual Lessons are different. They are offered throughout the year.

We have created class times to accommodate your busy schedule. When you have conflicts in your schedule let us know and we can place your child into a different class that better fits your schedule. This way your fees are not wasted and your child still continues to take swimming lessons without slowing their development as a strong swimmer.

The benefits of perpetual swimming lessons are well documented. The Washington Times reported on an Australian study conducted by Griffith Institute of Educational research that found “that the younger the child begins swimming lessons and the longer they continued, the greater the benefits come not only in the form of reaching physical development milestones early but also show those involving language and mathematics.”

We have a blog post about this exact subject that you should take some time to read.

At Pengu we view the following benefits to Perpetual Swimming Lessons swimming.
  • Kids will be swimming throughout the entire year and produce extraordinary results.
  • Our certified swim instructor staff know what is best and what pace is best for your child.
  • Swimming programs are based on swim skill achievements.
  • Kids love the celebration we provide of reaching the next level.Repetition leads to confidence and success.
  • Important swimming and safety skills will stay with the students their whole life.
  • Avoids the headaches of re-booking each week and alleviates long lines of check-in.
  • Financial payments continue throughout the year so no need for large upfront payment.
  • It is always summer at Pengu Kids ( and parents ) are comfortable in our 90 degree heated pools.